Greg Angus Sensei leads the online classes that cover various fundamental principles of Aikido, including footwork, strikes, how to move as uke and nage, and weapons movements as it relates to empty-handed aikido movements. Participants are encouraged to wear their uniforms, but this is not a requirement.
Please email [email protected] to get the Zoom class passcode.
Every Monday
8:00 pm to 8:50 pm
Every Saturday
11:00 am to 11:50 am
Click here to join online Zoom class.
If this is your first time joining the class, please email [email protected] to get passcode.
Aikido Movements with Bokken
Bokken (wooden sword) movements and how it relates to empty-hand Aikido practice.
Aiki Exercises
Aiki exercises to help you relax, develop your center more and become “aiki heavy”
Atemi Movements
Series of aikido movements focused on atemi
Atemi / Striking Basics in Aikido
Striking Basics in Aikido – Shomenuchi, Yokomenuchi and Tsuki